DVD 85 mins IMDB 4.1
NR (Not Rated)
Conceiving Ada
Fox Lorber (1997)
In Collection

Seen It:
Science Fiction
USA  /  English

John Perry Barlow John Crosse
Karen Black Lady Byron/Mother Coer
Francesca Faridany Emmy Coer
Timothy Leary Sims
Tilda Swinton Ada Augusta Byron King, Countess of Lovelace
John O'Keefe Charles Babbage
J.D. Wolfe Nicholas Clayton
Owen Murphy William Lovelace
David Brooks Children's Tutor
Esther Mulligan Mary Shelley
Mark Capri
David Eppel

Director Lynn Hershmann-Leeson; Lynn Hershman-Leeson; Lynn Hershman Leeson
Producer Lynn Hershman-Leeson; Henry S. Rosenthal; Lynn Hershman Leeson
Writer Lynn Hershman-Leeson; Eileen Jones; Lynn Hershman Leeson

This unusual, thought-provoking film, part science fiction, part magical realism, introduces us to the fascinating historical figure of Ada Byron King, daughter of the famous (some would say infamous) British poet, Lord Byron. Ada, brought to wondrous life here by Tilda Swinton (Orlando), was a mathematical genius far ahead of her time, who developed the world's first computer language in the mid-19th century. She was precocious in other ways as well: her father's daughter, Ada was sexually promiscuous, a gambler, and an opium addict. In the film, modern-day genius Emmy Coer (Francesca Faridany), working on creating artificial life via the computer, becomes obsessed with Ada. Using her own DNA, Emmy is somehow able to channel Ada's memories and play them back on her computer screen. The two women leading parallel lives eventually become inextricably tied for all time. The movie may sound rather arcane, but its vibrantly female point of view renders it anything but dry. It actually makes mathematics seem marvelously sexy. The supporting cast adds to the film's distinctiveness: Timothy Leary (yes, the Timothy Leary, the LSD guru), is Sims, Emmy's spectral cybervision of a mentor, and the inimitable Karen Black appears as the mother of both Emmy and Ada. --Laura Mirsky

Edition Details
Distributor Fox Lorber
Barcode 720917520223
Region Region 1
Release Date 2/1/2000
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
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